At the most fundamental level all successes and failures boil down to this: your belief system. Really. Every decision that you make, every action that you take, is all fueled by your beliefs. You may have heard people talk about limiting beliefs holding them back. Or maybe you’ve heard people overcoming mental barriers and achieving […]

At the most fundamental level all successes and failures boil down to this: your belief system.

Really. Every decision that you make, every action that you take, is all fueled by your beliefs.

You may have heard people talk about limiting beliefs holding them back. Or maybe you’ve heard people overcoming mental barriers and achieving huge breakthroughs.

That’s what they’re talking about.

I used to think this stuff was too simplistic to understand. Sure, I know what a belief is. But after years of study I now know that it is the single most powerful thing in my life.

It has the power to create. It has the power to limit. And unless I understand how to use beliefs effectively in my favor, then I will never reach my true potential.

Today I’m going to share the fundamentals of how beliefs are working to influence your own decisions, actions, and ultimately results.

Listen now: 015: The secret to EVERY personal breakthrough

A podcast for anyone wanting to break free from average...

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“The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that then you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, then life controls you.”

– Tony Robbins

Once you understand this topic you will see it so clearly everywhere. Your own decisions and actions will make more sense. You’ll see other people’s struggles more clearly.

You’ll even pick up some extra important ideas from the guests on the Life Stoked podcast.