A year ago nobody knew who Jared Easley was. He had dreams of becoming a professional speaker, and goals of connecting with successful people, but it wouldn’t be easy starting from scratch. Fast forward to today and Jared has interviewed, helped, dined with, introduced, and befriended some of the top names on the internet (Seth […]

A year ago nobody knew who Jared Easley was. He had dreams of becoming a professional speaker, and goals of connecting with successful people, but it wouldn’t be easy starting from scratch.

Fast forward to today and Jared has interviewed, helped, dined with, introduced, and befriended some of the top names on the internet (Seth Godin, Michael Hyatt, and Chris Brogan to name a few).

Jared is a master connector and gives us a peak behind the curtain today at the mindset that fueled his success. This is not just another “how to network” interview. I was blown away by the simple shift in mindset that sets Jared apart from everyone else.

Where will you be one year from today?

Listen now: 014: Connecting with high performers when nobody knows your name (with Jared Easley)

A podcast for anyone wanting to break free from average...

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Success Quote

“You can get everything in life you want if you just help enough other people get what they want?”

– Zig Ziglar

Rapid Fire Questions

One thing holding you back.

I had a mindset that I had to keep climbing the corporate ladder.

One thing Jared gave up.

I’m not sure what I stopped doing, but I started asking people around me what they thought I was good at. Once I knew what my natural strengths were I was able to start doing things that lined up with those strengths.

One thing that motivates Jared when things get tough.

Connecting with friends, family, and spending time in God’s word.

###Recommended books for Life Stoked Nation

The Freaks Shall Inherit The Earth by Chris Brogan

Interview Links and Resources

Starve the Doubts
21 Takeaways from Successful Entrepreneurs
The Podcast Movement
Jared on Twitter

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