After listening to her carrying a few Clubhouse panels on genetics, I somehow tricked the fabulous Dena Goldberg, aka Dena DNA, to jump into the Life-Sparring ring with me to discuss genetic testing for health.

Dena holds a master’s degree in genetic counseling from the University of California, Irvine, and is one of 5,000 board accredited Genetic Counselors. She also made it her mission to increase the public awareness of genetic testing for health and created her personal brand Dena DNA around it.

My discussion with Dena covers many aspects of genetic testing: We talk about the role of a genetic counselor, the fundamental difference between DTC genotyping and targeted sequencing panels, potential pitfalls in interpreting genotyping data, nutrigenomics, critical genetic defects to look for, the future of gene therapy and even CRISPR gene editing.

Dena is exceptionally knowledgeable and has the talent to break complicated scientific topics down so that even people without much background knowledge can easily digest them.

If you are interested in understanding your genetic makeup, I am sure you will find this Life-Sparring Round with Dena DNA as insightful as I do.