Amy Fransz, founder of The Remote Trip, is going to show you exactly how to travel and work remotely with like-minded people, so you don't have to do it alone!
The post Travel and Work Remotely Community With Amy Fransz (131) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

Would you like to be able to work in a way that enables you to travel the world and to be able to share that experience with other people? Amy Fransz is going to show you exactly how to travel and work remotely!

She’s the founder of The Remote Trip. She organizes trips all over the world, so people can work in different places for a month at a time.

Most digital nomads go it alone, but Amy wanted to create something, so you could share your experience with others. You also don’t have to worry about all the travel logistics!

There’s a lot of great lessons in our conversation including:

Why travel is an important exercise for learning about yourself and your work options.
Recognizing the feelings and thoughts to know when it’s time to try working for yourself.
How she found her first customers.
A day in the life of someone who works remotely from anywhere in the world.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Build community.
Self-directed learning.
Purge your life through travel to find yourself.
Learn how to travel and work for yourself.

How Amy Works and Thinks

Wake up time:  Around 6:00 am
Core work activities + habits:  1) Maintaining her personal routines and self-care.  2) Using Trello to organize projects. 3) Connecting with the community she’s organized.
Ideal work environment:  By herself with no distractions.  Either working from home or in a quiet co-working space.
Favorite productivity tool:  Trello
90-day goal:  Take time to reflect on the business and see what’s working and what isn’t.

Inspirational Quotes

“I didn’t really know what I wanted, all I knew was it wasn’t right there in this office cubicle, working my nine-to-five.” 

“It’s important you place yourself in an environment where other people also do the same thing so you can stimulate each other.”

“I think the best perk is that you have a group of friends already.”

“If you don’t have a fear of something, it means you’re not growing, because you’re just there in your comfort zone.”

Coaching Advice

If you want to take a big adventure in your life like traveling with The Remote Trip, Amy recommends the following actions:

1) Get to know yourself.  Understand what you really want to do and if you have the skills you need to do it.

2) Build an action plan.  If you don’t possess the skills you need, then find ways to acquire them.

3) Break through your fears.  After you’ve taken those first steps and overcome some of your fears, then start to view fear as fun and a way to continue growing.

Resources + Bonus Materials

Feel the Fear . . .  and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers

Related Episodes

Gaining Control Over Your Time With Victor Kung

Connect With Amy






Thanks for listening! Enjoy this episode?


The post Travel and Work Remotely Community With Amy Fransz (131) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

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