Michelle Allen, ecotherapist and founder of Peaceul Heart Pilgrimage, shares her story of learning to self-reflect to create better work. Show notes at lifeskillsthatmatter.com/show243
The post Self-Reflect To Create Better Work With Michelle Allen (243) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

Do you feel anxious or overwhelmed from time to time or maybe even right now? Get ready to feel calmer and more empowered! Michelle Allen wants to help you learn how to self-reflect to create better work.

Michelle is an ecotherapist helping people to do better work through self-reflection experienced.  As a trained talk-therapist, she’s married her two passions of helping counsel people and getting them out into nature.

Lot of great lessons in our conversation including:

Say your title over 100 times for it to sink into your bones.
Design work in alignment for the pace of life you want to live.
Why you need to step away from your real life to see your real life.
Learn how to listen to your inner voice again.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Practice self-awareness
Build your community
Reframe your mindset

How Michelle Works and Thinks

Wake up time:  7:30 am
Core work activities + habits:  1) Take care of herself.  2) Be quick to respond to people and customers.  3) Being honest with people.
Book recommendation:  Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Regains focus by:  Stop caring about the pressures and naturally drift back to where she needs to be.
90-day goal:  Securing people for international trips to Japan and Spain.

Inspirational Quotes  

“I was a traditional talk-therapist, but I didn’t want to work in an office.  I didn’t want to do that traditional game.”

“There’s such a bigger well of information that is open if we step into it.”

“People can smell authenticity and that’s where good stuff happens.”

Coaching Advice

If you’re feeling totally overwhelmed and you feel like you need to do something different, Michelle recommends this to start course correcting for where you really want to go:

1) Slow down.  Let your system settle down to start to think straight.

2) Take an inventory to see what works for you right now, what doesn’t, and what you want but don’t have.

Resources + Bonus Materials


El Camino de Santiago

Michelle’s Meditative Mountain Hike on Airbnb

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Connect With Michelle



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