Charlie King, creator of Heroic Fatherhood, joins us to talk about how to be both a more intentional entrepreneur and parent. Show notes at
The post Be A More Intentional Entrepreneur and Parent With Charlie King (244) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

Are you tired of putting out fires and reacting in your work and maybe even how you parent if you are one? Charlie King shares how you can be a more intentional entrepreneur and parent. He wants to help you respond more to the world around you, instead of feeling like you are constantly reacting to it.

Charlie created Heroic Fatherhood as a way to help coach and mentor fathers who want to be more intentional with their parenting.

His signature program, The Dad’s Edge, offers guidance, accountability, and support to fathers as they make changes in their life.

Charlie is generously giving $100 off to all Life Skills That Matter listeners on his upcoming The Dad’s Edge program!

Click here to get this special offer now! Offer expires Friday, October 26, 2018!

Lot of great lessons in our conversation including:

How being a father has changed so drastically over the past few generations.
The biggest challenges facing dads right now.
Define your code of honor to understand who you’ll be in the “dark night”.
Why more businesses developed through a process, rather than the flip of a switch.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Build community
Practice self-awareness
Reframe your mindset

How Charles Works and Thinks

Wake up time:  5:45 – 6:00 am
Core work activities + habits:  1) Follow up.  2) Intentionality.  3) Planning.
Ideal work environment:  In places with lots of activity and ambient sound, with inspiration from movement and activity, like a co-working space.
Superpower:  Connection.
Definition of success:  The intersection between fulfillment, mission, passion, and income.
90-day goal:  To fill his program, The Dad’s Edge, to capacity for the next two rounds.

Inspirational Quotes

“I’m all about supporting dads to live a super empowered life as a way to lead by example for their kids.”

“You get that choice to be able to change your narrative and script it from scratch.”

“If we don’t distinguish who we are in those good times, we won’t be able to draw on that value when we’re facing real challenge.”

“When we spend time with good men, we become better men.”

Coaching Advice

If you’re feeling stuck, like you don’t have any options or don’t know how to move forward as a dad or an entrepreneur, Charlie suggests these actions to get moving:

1) Acknowledge that you’re stuck, that it’s a thing in your head, and that making a change can break it up.

2) Speak it outside of your head to a mentor, spouse, coworker, or anyone you trust.

3) Bring your awareness to how you get unstuck and make note of that for later instances of the same problem.

Resources + Bonus Materials

Craft + Commerce Conference

Me Too Movement

Connect With Charles



Thanks for listening! Enjoy this episode?


The post Be A More Intentional Entrepreneur and Parent With Charlie King (244) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

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