Find your superpower by asking others about it advises Peter Shallard, the shrink for entrepreneurs.
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What’s your superpower? Aren’t sure? Peter Shallard has some must listen to advice about how to find your superpower and how to beat procrastination.

Peter is a trained psychologist, but over the course of his career he was drawn to working with business professionals and entrepreneurs because of their ability to take action.

He began his career as a clinical psychologist in New Zealand.  Today he calls Nw York City home.

His current business didn’t really take off until after he got some sage advice from Seth Godin for finding his superpower. He discovered he’s the shrink for entrepreneurs.

Some lessons worth noting from our chat include:

How Peter discovered his best possible work by finding his best possible clients to define it for him.
How he transitioned his business from a therapy practice to consulting exclusively with entrepreneurs.
How to beat procrastination, get unstuck and get moving forward again using his 7-day strategy.


Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Being open to new opportunities.
Self-directed learning.
Aligning habits with your purpose.
Embracing discomfort.
Find your superpower.

How Peter Works and Thinks

Superpower: Shrink for entrepreneurs.
Book recommendation: Permission Marketing by Seth Godin
Regains focus by: Getting outside his comfort zone.

Inspirational Quotes

You have to find a way to turn strangers into customers.

My business is beautifully unscalable. I can only work with a handful of entrepreneurs at any given time.

It's not that people don't know what they should be doing, it's that people don't do what they know they should.

Doing the same things and expecting a different result, isn't going to work. Try to do something that is the opposite of what you are doing.

You have to find your own path.

The first couple of years of working as an entrepreneur are a learning curve and there is no where around that.

Bumps and bruises are going to happen, but that's what makes us successful in the long run.

Coaching Advice

Peter recommends going to

This website was developed by Peter and researches at Harvard University to show people how to stack as many different forms of motivation as possible into their lives to help them achieve their goals.

When you register on the site (it's free) you can watch video tutorials about the five pillars of productivity that can help get you unstuck the most.

Resources + Bonus Materials

Permission Marketing by Seth Godin

Connect With Peter




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The post Find Your Superpower + Beat Procrastination With Peter Shallard (092) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

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