Want to become successful? You gotta know the difference between fake work versus real work says Todd Henry.
The post Fake Work Versus Real Work With Todd Henry (093) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

Do you know the difference between fake work versus real work?

If you don’t, you definitely want to listen intently to my interview with Todd Henry.

He’s written three best sellers all about how to be more creative and how to do more real work including The Accidental Creative, Die Empty and Louder Than Words.

He’s also the host of the super popular podcast The Accidental Creative, regularly one of the top business podcasts on iTunes. Check it out!

He calls himself the arms dealer for the creative revolution and man is he ever! One of the key features of the 21st-century economy is all about creative problem-solving in every field imaginable!

Lots of great lessons packed in this episode including:

How Todd’s business grew out of the work he was doing as an employee.
How to build checkpoints in your life to slow down, so you can define your own success by learning how to live empty.
He also shares why a great life is grown, not built using a fun gardening analogy.

Todd also shares a brief description about his next book on creative leadership!

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Experimenting and creativity.
Living in alignment with your purpose.
Tell your story.

How Todd Works and Thinks

Wake up time:  6:00am (Sleeps in until 7:30am on Sundays).
Ideal work environment:  Alone with some ambient, meditation music playing; dark, a cave-like environment.
90-day goal:  Wrap up new manuscript and develop strategy for the collateral surrounding book launch.

Inspirational Quotes

 “I didn’t intend to start a business at the time. a business formed around the value I was creating.”

“Unfortunately so many of us spend our days immersed in fake work.”

“Most people don’t have a clear definition of success, so they end up chasing anything that comes across their radar.”

“I want to bring more energy to any situation than I deplete.”

“We make work impersonal, but it’s actually highly personal.”

“A great life isn’t built, it’s grown.”

Coaching Advice

Curiosity is at the root of finding a purpose or passion and Todd prescribes these ideas to help foster curiosity:

1) Learn to ask why.

2) Never accept things at face value: Understanding situations allows for adaptation.

Resources + Bonus Materials

What Sarah Blakely learned about failure from her father.

My previous interview with Todd about how he came to be self-employed:

Connect With Todd




Thanks for listening! Enjoy this episode?


The post Fake Work Versus Real Work With Todd Henry (093) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.


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