Annie Sisson, founder of is a coach, multipotentialite and avid traveler, who wants to inspire you to live boldly by focusing on what matters to you most in your life! Show notes at
Lot of great lessons in our conversations including:
+ What makes her uncomfortable by the question, "What do you do?"
+ How she discovered how she genuinely like to work.
+ Understanding the difference between what you love and what you are good at.
+ What it feels like to feel your inner voice.
Podcast Archive
The post Boldly Live Life On Your Terms With Annie Sisson (379) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

Do you want to boldly live life on your terms?

Annie Sisson wants to inspire you to live boldly by focusing on what matters to you most in your life!

If you are tired of being put into a box and like to try lots of different things, this interview is definitely for you!

She's a coach for women who want to create lives they are excited to wake up to everyday! She's also an avid traveler, photographer and blogger. Check out her work at IntoThe

Lot of great lessons in our conversation including:

What makes her uncomfortable by the question, What do you do?
How she discovered how she genuinely likes to work. 
Understanding the difference between what you love and what you are good at. 
What it feels like to feel your inner voice.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Build community.
Self-directed learning.
Tell your story.

How Annie Works and Thinks

Wake up time:  Around 7:00 am
Core work activities + habits:   1) Showing up, both for herself and for the people she serves.  2) Content creation.  3) Having routines like her morning routine for starting the day.
Ideal work environment:  Sometimes in her newly redone and cozy office, sometimes outside on the patio, but it depends on the kind of work
Regains focus by:  Pressing pause and giving herself a minute to regroup.  Asking herself what doesn’t feel right and what needs adjusting.

Inspirational Quotes

“The biggest piece is doing the inner work.”

“It’s hard to build a business that actually looks like you want it to look when you don’t actually know any people who are doing it.”

“One of the things I know about myself is if it’s not fun, I won’t do it.”

“Travel has changed me as a human and provided me so many lessons.”

“The vast majority of businesses fail not because it’s a bad idea, it’s because people give up when it gets hard.”

Coaching Advice

Wanting to open up more?  Annie suggests these exercises that she uses in her coaching approach:

1) Take a deep reflection of where you are now and how you got there.  Examine past work and life situations, think about what you loved or didn’t love, and then apply that to how it brought you to where you are today.

2) Think about what you really want: not what you think you’re supposed to want, not what you think you’re capable of really having, not what others think you should do – what is it that you, as a human, actually want?

Resources + Bonus Materials

Everything Conference

Women’s Travel Fest

Into The Bold Women’s Facebook Group

Special Offer!

Get Annie’s special Catapult to Clarity offer of three sixty-minute one-on-one coaching sessions for only $300! This is perfect for anyone who's struggling to find direction and their next steps. Schedule a call with Annie now!

Related Episodes

How To Do Everything You Want With Emilie Wapnick (201)

Find A Business Idea By Traveling With Mindy Hu (180)

Connect With Annie





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The post Boldly Live Life On Your Terms With Annie Sisson (379) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.