Angela Madsen, a former Marine, paraplegic, Paralympian, who is about to celebrate her 60th birthday, is rowing solo and unsupported from Marina Del Rey, Ca to the Hawaii Yacht Club in Honolulu, Hi. Why would she do this? Well, find out during my interview on life's new normal. 

One thing is for sure, people have always doubted her, and she still proves them wrong. 

I caught up with Angela just before she hit the high seas to learn what drives her, as well as discover what we can learn to help us accomplish impossible goals.

What is necessary to pack for an unassisted trip in a sophisticated rowboat. And, what can we learn in preparation in our own lives to prepare for unforeseen challenges? 

Follow Angela's journey on to learn more and to donate.

About the host.

John Register is a catalyst. He contributes to the success of his clients by showing them how to amputate their fear and embrace a new normal mindset. Check out this and all earlier podcasts by following his show.

Go forth and inspire your world.