When you have fraud committed against you by a trusted employee, you learn how to stay afloat. In times like these adversity becomes the greatest teacher.

Susan Frew has been through a lot. It is her resilience and fighting spirit which is a great attraction to anyone who meets her. Since I have known her, she has been through a tremendous fraud committed against her company. She has endured a surgery that might have ended her ability to speak. And, she has managed to purchase another company! 

What took the cake for me was in the midst of all this turmoil she still found it necessary to go to Washington DC and fight for her industry....the plumbing industry. The only reason I know this is because 2000 miles away from our homes in Colorado, we bumped into each other in one of our nation's capital cafeterias. 

You are going to be blown away by this woman's grit and tenacity, as well as her gentle spirit.

Susan Frew always fights back.

Susan is the author of Puffer Fish Effect.

John Register is a catalyst. He contributes to the success of his clients by showing them how to amputate their fear and embrace a new normal mindset. Check out this and all earlier podcasts by following his show.

Check out John's new book on Amazon "10 Power Stories to Impact Any Leader: Journal Your Way to Leadership Success."