Former ESPN producer Lisa Fenn shares the story of how she formed an unlikely family with Dartanyon Crockett and Leroy Sutton, two high school senior wrestlers who she covered in 2009. The three permanently altered the courses of each other's lives. Leroy, who lost his legs in a childhood train accident, was often found on the back of the legally blind and homeless Dartanyon. Two remarkable individuals without the means or opportunities to succeed were in dire need of guidance. While there is nothing about Leroy, Dartanyon and Lisa that landed itself to an obvious bond, they forged community within each other. Lisa describes their ongoing journey together with Dartanyon, now a Paralympic bronze medalist, and Leroy, a college graduate.

In this episode of Creating Life's Normal Lisa will share why she changed her successful career path and the path of two remarkable young men.  

The book rights to, "Carry On," were purchased by Walden Media and Nate Parker signed on to direct the film adaptation.

Hold onto your seat, this is going to be good.

About the host

John Register: Paralympic Silver Medalist | International Speaker | Author | American Long Jump Record Holder | Gulf War Veteran | Disability Rights Advocate | Amputee | and Home-made Waffle Lover.  Showing businesses, military service members and college students how to create life’s new normal. Click HERE to book John to speak for your organization. 

Note: Bio for Lisa Fenn taken from CAA Speakers