West Philadelphia born & raised. No, not Will Smith but rather Reggie Showers (@ReggieShowers). The youngest of 6 children to hard working dedicated parents; the father to one amazing teenage daughter and holder of 14 world records and 2 world championships in professional motorcycle drag racing.

He's an accomplished pilot, holding ratings for single and multi engine aircraft. He's an adaptive snowboard instructor, amputee advocate and certified peer visitor and criss crosses the country routinely speaking to high schools students, hospital and rehabilitation patients and was most recently featured as a cast member  on the new National Geographic Channel series “Mygrations” 

Reggie does all this on two prosthetic legs. Talk about no limites!  You are not going to want to miss this show. On two hours earlier because we are in Greensboro and must get to work. Tune in tomorrow from 7-8 AM Eastern Time.

Also check out our segment of "Now, New Normal That!" with our correspondant, Tremecca D. Doss (@TV_Attorney) as we chat about entitlement.

I'll be looking for you tomorrow.  


About John Register (@JFRegister)

Paralympic Silver Medalist | International Speaker | Author | American Long Jump Record Holder | Gulf War Vet | Waffle Lover | Disability Rights Advocate | Amputee | Living Life's New Normal. Book John to speak at https://www.espeakers.com/marketplace/speaker/profile/21169/John-Register?resumeSearch=0