Why would you want to seek out workplace motivation?  Do you struggle with trying to maintain your best efforts?  Well my buddy Mitch Grant has tunred his tragic accident into a story that captures the essence of rising from the ruts in life to back into life.  

In 2008 Mitch Grant was just an ordinary Aussie riding his beloved motorcycle when the unthinkable happened.  Mitch was involved in a motorbike accident. The result of the accident caused him to have his left leg amputated just above the knee.  Mitch suffered a brachial plexus injury as well resulting in a loss of function to his left arm.  He was 21 years of age. From thtat moment forward Mitch would have to reinvent his life.  His life changed for ever. 

Four years ago Mitch decided to use his story as a tool to help others discover a passion for life. He has travelled the world as a motivational speaker to spread positive and unique source of inspiration to many. Please welcome Mitch to Creating Life's New Normal by checking out all of his social media platforms.  

Go forth and inspire your world. 

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About the host


John Register, Paralympic Silver Medalist | Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) and International Speaker | Author | American Long Jump Record Holder | Gulf War Veteran | Disability Rights Advocate | Amputee | and Home-made Waffle Lover.  Showing businesses, military leaders and college student athletes, how to hurdle adversity and create life’s new normal. Click HERE to book John to speak for your organization.