Just because a person was born without a leg does not mean they have to succumb to societies reality for them.  In Jerome Singleton's case he has performed excellent on two fronts. On the track and in the classroom.  

On the track he has bested now defamed South African Sprinter Oscar Pistorious, and won gold as part of several United States Relay squads.  

In the classroom he is even more brilliant earning degrees in mathematics from Atlanta's Morehouse College and a second degree in industrial engineering at the University of Michigan. Both of those degree programs earned him distinction to travel the world. His first stop was to a coveted position at NASA. After dazzling the scientist there he hopped on a plane and dazzled the European Organization for Nuclear Physics in Geneva in the highly competitive CERN Science program.

Today we get a chance to hear from a brilliant mind who has just moved into the next phase of his life, marriage.

About the host

John Register: Paralympic Silver Medalist | Certified Speaking Professional and International Speaker | Author | American Long Jump Record Holder | Gulf War Veteran | Disability Rights Advocate | Amputee | and Home-made Waffle Lover.  Showing businesses, military service members and college students how to create life’s new normal. Click HERE to book John to speak for your organization.