There are true fighters amongst us. No, I am not talking about those who have seen the battlefield of military combat, but those who have overcome the negative stigma and stereotypes to live their life in a unapologetic way. They refuse to let the negative value of one person determine their self-value.

In continuing with our theme of, "Disability the Dynamic Factor" for the month of March, I caught up with Amy, a 20 year old blogger from Birmingham, UK who was born with the disability (PFFD) a shortening of one leg. Because of this condition Amy always wore a prosthesis but at age 8 she also had the affected foot amputated to get a better fitting prostheses which allowed her to be more independent. 

Yet, Amy always struggled so much with negative self-confidence issues. She did view herself in a positive ligh. It was not until she saw children with the same condition and thought about her impact on them that she turned her negativity into a positive. She set out on a quest to become a great role model.

Has she ever. She began a blog and within two weeks she has impacted hundreds of lives. 

She is guaranteed to impact yours today. 

Create your new normal with my guest UK Amy.


About the host:

John Register, Paralympic Silver Medalist | Inspirational Catalyst | Change Management Speaker | Author | Long Jump Record Holder | Gulf War Vet | Disability Rights Advocate | 2 x TEDx Speaker who shows business leaders and sports professionals how to courageously step up to championship performance by walking in the new normal.