“Still operating with a linear mindset is going to find themselves on the wrong side of a global economy.” John Register. Business Resource Groups, or BRG’s, are becoming critical in retaining talent, finding talent, and connecting people when companies scale up.

Today I have two spectacular guests who get it.

Redia Anderson, Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer at BP, is a power house. Not just in the D & I space, but in all spaces she occupies. Just 10 seconds in a room with this woman and you know you are amongst brilliance. Redia aligns people to performance to get results. She has more than 25 years in the D & I space and relates to us today her wisdom that makes her the key leading industry expert.

Carmen Pino is also in a class of his own.  A West Point Army Graduate he knows the value of building diverse teams. He is the Vice President of BP’s International Key Accounts and is responsible for delivering ‘best in class’ offers to the most material customers in BP. Three years ago Carmen had a vision of beginning a veterans BRG. It is extremely successful.

Today we learn how utilizing BRG’s impact the growth of a major company.

Settle in with a great cup of Joe and be enlightened by Ms. Redia Anderson and Mr. Carmen Pino

John Register, Paralympic Silver Medalist | Inspirational Catalyst | Change Management Speaker | Author | Long Jump Record Holder | Gulf War Vet | Disability Rights Advocate | 2 x TEDx Speaker who shows business leaders and sports professionals how to courageously step up to championship performance by walking in the new normal.