It is inevitable - your child is going to run into people that don’t want the best for them.  Bullies, toxic influences, or even mean authority figures.  It’s important to teach your child to stand up for THEMSELVES, but also have compassion for others.  By accepting individual differences, resisting peer pressure, and creating a personal code your child will not only be able to have strong relationships with their peers, but be able to handle difficult interactions with bullies. Dr. Kate Lund is a licensed clinical psychologist and performance coach with more than fifteen years of experience. She has specialized training in medical psychology from Shriners Hospital for Children in Boston, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Why did you write this book? Why is resilience so important? Why is developing the courage to try and the courage to fail important ideas to discuss with your child? You mention a child develops courage by trying new things and pushing limits. Just as it is important to try, it is important to fail. Why? Confidence is an important concept here as confident children are more likely to believe in themselves and their abilities to move forward despite challenge than those children with less inherent confidence. Can you give some examples of how to foster confidence? Don’t let challenges define you, explain. You have a personal story as a child who lived fully with and beyond medical challenges, can you share more about this? How do you fostering an optimistic outlook while elping children to manage challenge? Does this help them to stand up for the underdog, walk away from conflict and see the possibilities beyond the challenge?