Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. Dr. Laura Buchanan is a board-certified family medicine physician with a passion for using lifestyle modification as the first-line standard of care wherever possible. She completed her family medicine residency at Wake Forest in 2022 and was a valedictorian of her class at the University of Florida College of Medicine. For her undergraduate education she received a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences from the University of South Florida, from which she graduated summa cum laude.

In this episode, Brian and Laura talk about how Laura became interested in medicine generally and metabolic health/nutrition, physician burnout and how doctors can avoid it, the emotional and spiritual aspects of metabolic health, the reality of food addiction and how to treat it, the great work going on and the great people working at Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss and Direct Primary Care, the value of N=1 experimentation, the place of exercise in the journey toward metabolic health, the carnivore diet and why eating meat won’t kill you, why stress and social isolation is just as bad for you metabolically as eating processed junk food, and how difficult it is to avoid bad oils, sugar, and other processed foods in our modern food environment.

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!




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