Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Life’s Best Medicine. Less Antman (Carnal Dancer) is a patient in Dr. Lenzkes medical practice. He is a two-time world champion in pro am ballroom dancing. He was at an average weight growing up, but upon beginning his college career he started to put on weight thanks to a high-carb diet. Sometime around the age of 40, Less developed metabolic syndrome. Due to an encounter with the movie Fathead he became aquatinted with the low-carb diet.

In this episode, Brian and Less talk about Less’ dietary/health journey, the work of Gabor Erdosi, Less’ encounter with the carnivore diet/community, Less’ MEDS mnemonic memory device, the carnivore + dessert diet, and Less’ other mnemonic memory devise, SOFA.

Thank you for listening. Have a blessed day and stay healthy!




Less Antman:

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Website Low Carb MD Podcast The Merlo Foundation


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