Are you confident that you could come through a year plus of health detours and consider yourself stronger and living life feeling much more awake?

My guest today is Pamela Benson Owens and today we will discuss what she describes as a series of Health detours or challenges - which I consider an understatement, how she navigated the challenges and how her journey of self discovery helped her awaken her senses to much she had been previously missing.  How this helped her decide to live life with much more intention and how it's helping her shift personally and professionally to survive this strange year of chaos and change.

I also love that her mom had the wisdom and foresight to offer some wonderful advice during Pamela's growing up that she will also share with us in a bit - it was truly a game changer for her and something that she points to as one of the critical factors in her personal and professional success.  So join us as Pamela shares how she had to create a new model for which to navigate the growth and learning in both the professional and personal spheres of her journey.