Yusnier Viera has been teaching math for more than 20 years and has earned the nickname, “The Human Calendar” because of his amazing skills for calculating the day of the week for any date, both past and future.

He holds multiple Guiness World Records, including: Identifying 140 days of the week for past and future dates in one minute, calculating 365 dates of the current year in 150.4 seconds, and calculating 20 dates of the current century in 8.05 seconds.

Viera’s abilities in mental calculation have given him the opportunity to participate in the Mental Calculation World Cup where he has won one gold, and two silver medals, while also placing 4th overall in the mental calculation world rankings (he is recognized as #1 in America).

Viera is a highly sought out speaker, inspiring and educating students and teachers around the country about the importance of math/memory in life. His mission is to help people understand that math can be fun and to show them the best techniques in order to improve their math/memory skills.

He is the author of “Basic Course of Mental Arithmetic” and has been featured on multiple media channels such as CNN, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Fox and NBC, The Superhuman Showdown, Superhuman, and the The Ellen show.

In this episode we dive into:

Born and raised in Cuba, Yusnier’s journey to move to America to pursue his passion for mathematics. Why Yusnier is nicknamed the Human Calendar, and the World Records he has earned. How growing up in Cuba has given Yusnier a sense of content, regardless of his financial situation. The importance of passing down the family math trait to his daughter, why Yusnier believes it’s important for her to learn regardless of whether or not she pursues it as a career. His hardships with leaving his home country and the struggles that came along with leaving a communist country. How he practices his Human Calendar skills, and the importance of visualization and repetition. Why Yusnier thinks we should focus more on applied math instead of the common core that the U.S is teaching. The Viera Method and Yusniers drive to give resources and strategies to help students pass the SAT”s. Yusnier's insight into helping us increase our ability to focus and the benefit of taking breaks and disengaging to reach our full potential. The adjustment period of starting a new company and becoming a father, and the real life struggles that comes with balancing entrepreneurship and family. The importance of daily reflection and how we can use that to ask ourselves what is ok and what we need to adjust. Why Yusnier is passionate about teaching immigrants English, and how he believes can it help open doors to people all over the world.

