I has been a while since anyone here on the Swingset could consider themselves "new to this" but it behooves us to every once in a while put ourselves back into that new and nervous state, where everything was the first time, and we were discovering as we go. We don't have a lot of great models of healthy non-monogamy these days. Learning to advocate for our partners and ourselves, figuring out what we want and how to ask for it, learning the difference between a request, an offer, and an invitation, and all in all... having fun, is what we talk about today.

Marcia Maczynski joins us today, you can check her out at all her delicious urls, successfulnonmonogamy.com, askingforwhatyouwant.com, and goodgirlrecovery.com!

Also, Blokus is a wonderful game and you should absolutely buy it from Amazon here!


Visit the Burlesque Toyshop and get a 20% discount when you use the promo code swingburlesque at checkout! Check out The Ethical Slut and Opening Up!

Give us a call and leave a voicemail at 573-55-SWING, (573-557-9464), we want your stories, your orgasms, your everything!

Interested in signing up for our favorite Lifestyle site Kasidie.com? Click here to try it out!

Come with us for The Swingset Takes Desire '14!

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