Hello and many Greetings to all you perverts, I’m recording live from Desire Resort & Spa in Cancun, Mexico! Earlier today I sat down with upwards of thirty, and likely many less than two hundred perverts for a discussion about spaces. What makes a space special? What helps make people feel safe? What makes a space a focal point for a community?

As we moved through a “how do we find other perverts” discussion, we stumbled on the question of what it means to stay closeted and to come out these days, drawing parallels and differences between the nonmonogamous and queer communities, and examining how it’s possible to win the hearts and minds of others when engaging them “behind enemy lines”.

Usually I’d have a little more to say, but I’m all talked out… and kissed out, and blissed out… I mean, really, if you’ve never made out with a tequila flavored shotglass…. You should give it a try.

But before you search for a shotglass with a flared base, this has been… quite literally, been a recording taken at the Gentleperverts’ Social Club, on location, in Mexico. You can find more Gentleperverts’ Social Club podcasts every month at www.gentleperverts.com and discuss our latest episodes and topics on twitter with @GentlePerverts and me @DylanTheThomas. You can find me, Dylan Thomas, on FacebookSpotify and Fetlife as DylanTheThomas. If you have a submission, a story, a signal boost request, or an idea for a topic send that over to me at [email protected]. If you like having me record live, on location, throw me a buck or two at tip.gentleperverts.com.

Thanks for listening, and I hope to hear from you all soon.

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