Josh Biro is the Founder of The Yogapreneur Collective and Head Coach at Nomad Business Coaching, a consulting company that helps yoga studio owners systematize their businesses for more profit and peace of mind.

He joins Nathalie today to discuss time management, nomadic lifestyles, and viewing health as a totality.

Josh begins today’s discussion by explaining The Yogapreneur Collective and how he helps others in the yoga industry by creating community. He discovered yoga later in life even though he comes from a yoga family.

He went from becoming a teacher, to helping others with their studios, to opening his own studio with his wife. They ultimately sold the business and have spent the last 6 years travelling the world with their 3 children.

If you are feeling discouraged as a small business owner by the events of the past year, Josh offers some advice.

Clarify your vision and step into your fear. If you are trying something new, you are bound to be nervous.

Learn to schedule your life (even your time off) and live by your schedule. Look at where you are going and what needs to happen to get you there.

To end the episode, Josh takes us through his morning routine and how he combines physicality with meditation.

If you are looking to start a health journey this year, do what makes you feel happy and grounded. You can always do something, no matter where you are.

Connect with Josh: IG @joshbiro

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