The great outdoors is what makes America great and Our guest, Derrick Crandall, who served as President and CEO of the American Recreation Coalition from 1981 to 2019 has proven that . He was also  the executive vice president of The Recreation Roundtable. As Counselor to the National Park Hospitality Association.  Mr. Crandall directs that organization’s staff efforts. He is Chairman of the Board of The Corps Network and also serves as Co-Chair of the Coalition for Recreational Trails. He was a member of the President's Commission on Americans Outdoors (1985 to 1987). He received the Chevron Conservation Award and was named to the President's Commission on Environmental Quality in 1991. He was the initial Chairman of the Take Pride in America Advisory Board, appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, and served as Chair of the Take Pride in America Partners Council. He was a Founding Director of the National Forest Foundation, appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture. He has served on several national judging panels, including co-chairing the U.S. Department of the Interior's Take Pride in America award program. Among the dozens of public-policy programs in which he has played a central role are the National Scenic Byways Program, Recreation Fee Demonstration Program, Recreational Trails Program, Wallop-Breaux Program, and the National Recreation Lakes Study Commission. These efforts have been recognized in many ways, including induction into the RV Hall of Fame and receipt of the Annual Award of the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators. USA Today has described him as “the outdoor guru.” He received the Spirit of Take Pride Award in October 2004 and was recognized with a Centennial Award by the US Forest Service. He served as a member of the National Park Service Advisory Board Health and Recreation Committee. He has served in leadership roles on numerous community and philanthropic organizations including the executive committee of WOW-Wonderful Outdoor World. He is an honors graduate of Dartmouth College. No one has done more than Mr. Crandall to insure that the great outdoors is what makes America great. The Land and Water Conservation Fund that has been Protecting Lands and Giving Back to Communities for decades owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. Crandall and many other conservationist for their contributions. We will discuss those contributions on the podcast.

Specialties: Mr. Crandall served on the Board of the American Society of Association Executives for seven years, including two terms as Vice Chairman. He received ASAE's Professional Performance Award in 1980, his Certified Association Executive recognition in 1990 and was named an ASAE Fellow in 1992.  Please join as we explore the great outdoors.