Shades of Grey plays music for the ages and for all ages. A group of retired expats living in the small hamlet of Cotacachi, Ecuador, high in the Andes Mountains, formed the band out of a life long love for music and, get this, a love for each other. The four band members met six years ago. Two of its members, husband and wife, Bobby and Becca Vines, were in the audience when they heard Joel Kaplan, playing solo and started singing along. Not long after the two had teamed up with Joel and later they added guitarist, Dan Marceau who  had a bucket list dream of playing in a band. For the past six years they have been playing gigs in and around Cotacachi.

In this podcast we will talk about what music has meant to them over the years and why after retiring from their regular jobs they decided to dedicate the rest of their lives to sharing their love of music with audiences. Please join us and listen as Shades of Grey Plays Music For The Ages.