Dr. Seuss wrote: "Be who you are and say what you mean. Because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind." You have an obligation to yourself, to God, and to the world to be authentically, unapologetically YOU! Be the youest you you can possibly be. To be anything else is to be a fraud, to live a lie. When you are not authentically you, you are stealing from others their right to have a relationship, personal or professional, with the real you! Changing your behavior to please other people is not just unhealthy for you, it is actually a form of manipulation. Just be you. That's what the world really needs! Listen as I explain:

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Mentioned in this show:

Join Bruce's Mastermind Group
Worry No More! book
Download: Affirmations for Abundant Living
LIAM Team Life Coaching Community

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