Have you looked at photos of another family on Facebook and thought yourself "I wish I had their life!"? I think we all do it from time to time. However, you need to hear this message loud and clear: STOP IT! The comparison game is a game that you will never win. First, know that the photos you are seeing on social media only show the surface that they want you to see, not the truth of what their lives are really like. Rachel Cruze is the daughter of Dave Ramsey and has been speaking for many years to her peers, and to anyone else who will listen, about the power of loving your own life, and being grateful for what you have now, as the best way of getting the life you want. She has written a wonderful new book on the topic: "Love Your Life, Not Theirs!" She and I had a great conversation about her life and her work.  Listen to our conversation:

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Mentioned in this show:

Rachel Cruze

Website: www.RachelCruze.com

Worry No More! book
Download: Affirmations for Abundant Living
LIAM Team Life Coaching Community

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