Human beings are hope shaped creatures, meaning our hope in the future shapes the life we live today, in the present. You have been invited to a party next week. What you believe about the party and how much fun you will have there will determine how you talk about it and how you prepare for it. I believe the party is going to be awesome! Come dance with me! Listen as I explain more:

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Show Outline:

"Human beings are hope-shaped creatures. How you live today is shaped by what you believe about your future." -Tim Keller
Not hope-shaped creatures, as in, we look like hope. Rather, hope shapes who we are, what we do.
A couple has been invited to a party next Saturday night. Not many details are given, just an invitation to come.

One person thinks it is going to be great, many friends, family, even famous people will be there.
One person thinks it will not be any fun, won't like anybody there and thinks that most people will not even show up, or it might must get canceled.

How will each person behave in the next few days? How will each get ready for the party in the hours beforehand?
Your endurance is directly proportional to the clarity of your vision.
What do you believe about yourself, others, the world, the opportunities you have? These shape your behaviors, which determine your future, the kind of life you have.
I changed my outlook on life and that changed my life because it allowed me to take actions that reflected my hope.
My belief that I am lovable and capable and have many gifts to offer, my believe that the universe is kind, loving, gracious, and abundant... shaped my belief.
We all know the quote "step confidently in the direction of your dreams..." The truth is, we all do every day. Some of have amazingly exciting dreams, for some the dream is dark, boring, or scary.
Right now may be awful. Right now, you might feel stuck. That's hard to change if right now is where your hope is because that will shape your outlook, which programs your behaviors.
If you have a vision for an amazing, fulfilling, giving, contributing-to-the-world life, you will see right now as just part of the journey and you take the actions to move through this period of your life. You will see it as an educational/training process, not the destination.

Mentioned in this show:

"Lunch with My Life Coach" Sessions
Download: Affirmations for Abundant Living
LIAM Team Life Coaching Community

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