Your self-talk is the largest determining factor for your success in any area of life! How you talk to yourself is a reflection of your beliefs about yourself and influences your behaviors. Are you judgmental, harsh, critical, self-deprecating? or are you accepting, loving, kind, supportive, encouraging? Most of us would not have any friends if we talked to them the way we talk to ourselves! Listen as I explain more:

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Show Outline:

Webinar: "Lunch with My Life Coach" - E+R=0 how do you exercise the positive response muscle
What comes out of you is what is inside of you!
Your self talk determines your success
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right." ― Henry Ford
Nobody ever wins who tells themselves they can't.
In order to successfully train for and run a marathon, the work is mostly controlling negative self-talk--telling yourself you CAN each and every mile. The minute you say "I can't" the body will stop. Your feet will not go one step farther than your mind tells them they can.
I know runners/walkers who come in near the back of the pack and go out and celebrate their victory and are so proud of themselves. I also know runners who come in near the front and talk about how frustrated and disappointed they are with their performance. Somewhere along the line someone told them they'd never be good enough and they believe it regardless of their performance--it is never good enough for them, or for whomever they are trying to please.
If being hard on yourself was going to work it would have worked by now.
Affirm your life!

Mentioned in this show:

"Lunch with My Life Coach" Sessions
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