Bill Cortright is the author of The NEW Stress-Response Diet and Lifestyle Program, a highly sought-after speaker, trainer, and a seven-time bodybuilding champion. He was significantly overweight as a child and young adult, and was diagnosed with diabetes at 21 years old. He embarked on a life-long mission to discover WHY his body was storing fat and discovered a direct correlation with stress. Listen to treatment diabetes info highly educational conversation:

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Show quotes:

I started my first diet at age 9, and I would go on to lose 100 pounds three times.
I was diagnosed as a type two diabetic at age 21 and told I would probably lose my eyesight by 30.
I went on from being a fat kid winning seven bodybuilding championships.
After looking at thousands of lab results I discovered one component of our metabolism that we now call the stress response.
The stress response is our most primitive, hormonal, survival response. It can never be shut off, it can only be managed.
People want to get rid of stress, but you can't. You can master the response, but you can't get rid of stress.
The highest stress point of the day, for most people, is around 3:00 pm.
Belly fat is called the "stress belly" because that's where the body stores fat due to stress.
When the stress response is not managed, it shuts down your metabolism.
We were designed for survival. When we see the Saber-toothed Tiger, we are meant to react, not to think!
The Red Zone is reactive--fight or flight. The Green Zone is responsive--creative, problem solving, recuperation.
Problems come when you are constantly living in the Red Zone.
To manage the stress response, you have 3 lines of defense:

Diet, exercise, mindfulness training

The #1 most important thing for managing the stress response is diet!
Stress is not going away. Are reacting or are you responding to it?
If your Insulin level is above 10, you cannot burn fat. It's simple, scientific fact.
There is no bad metabolism. It is either working or not working.
There are two types of metabolisms: lions and cheetahs.
Exercise is stress. You may be doing the wrong type of exercise for your metabolism type!
I've been cheating for 30 years! I have a weekly "junk night" when I eat anything I want!

Mentioned in this show:

Bill Cortright:
Twitter: @BillCortright
The NEW Stress-Response Diet and Lifestyle Program by Bill Cortright

Worry No More! 4 Steps to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Boston Marathon #Miles4Smiles Fundraiser
Download: Affirmations for Abundant Living
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