Relationship breakups can be very difficult to overcome because rejection is one of the most painful feelings we can experience. However, the rejection we feel is all based on a story we tell ourselves about why it happened. Change the story, change your perspective, change your feelings. Listen as I propose there is no rejection, there is only project, and there is no failure, only data:

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Show Outline:

In our personal lives:

We all experience rejection, it's part of life
How that rejection makes us feel is 100% the result of the story we tell ourselves about it.
Two of my favorite quotes:

God removes people from your life for a reason. Don't run after them!
God puts people in your life for a reason, and removes them for a reason.

Do you believe there is a purpose and plan for your life? Then you must believe everything that happens is part of that purpose, no matter how painful.
To believe it is rejection, is to disbelieve in God's plan, or worse, to assign harmful or malicious intent to God
It's all protection. All for the purpose of keeping you on the path meant for you.
It's all preparation to shape you into the person you are supposed to be.
In the Life Planning I do, it amazes me how many people do their "ideal life scenario" and it doesn't include the person they are with or the job they are doing now, they they are afraid to leave either because of fear.
Do you love that person enough to want them to have the best possible relationship with the best possible person? Are you, right now, that person, the person he/she really deserves? If not, get about the business of becoming that person--but do it for YOU! Do it because YOU deserve the best and to be the best you can be. Do it because, when the right person comes into your life, he/she deserves you to be the best.
You never know if your paths will cross again

Story of college sweethearts, broke up, met again 10 years later, got married. Better people, less clingy.

In business/sales:

You are in the sifting and sorting business, not the begging and pleading business.
You must believe that your product is valuable and not to be taken lightly or used by just anyone
You must protect your product from being used by the wrong customer

Not all customers are good customers
You must protect yourself and your company from low-profit, high maintenance customers

You must protect your customers by not selling them something they don't need or won't truly benefit them.
"No" simply means it wasn't the right fit for the customer at this time.
Do not take it as rejection.
There is not such thing as failure, there is only data.

Why did they not want to buy
Why did you decide it wasn't the right match

Mentioned in this show:

Boston Marathon #Miles4Smiles Fundraiser
Download: Affirmations for Abundant Living
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