Jaime Primak Sullivan, is the Creative Producer and Star of Bravo TV's show "Jersey Belle" and host of the Facebook and YouTube sensation, Keurig's "Cawfeetawk." She is one of the most influential forces in the entertainment industry today. Jaime spends almost an hour "tawking" with me about life and lessons learned along the way.  Jaime is beautiful, inside and out, and is among the most authentic persons I have ever known. Set aside some time to eavesdrop on our very personal, very real conversation.

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Quotes from Jaime during the show:

I've learned that not everybody will get your sense of humor, and that's OK!
One of the things I've struggled with my whole life is I compete with everyone around me.
I put more work into personal growth than I do into all of my other efforts combined.
There's a difference between trying your best and always needing to be the best.
I'm exhausted. I want balance. I want it, I crave it, and I just don't have it.
I have a "breaking and entering" mentality. Before I knock on the door of opportunity, I already know how I'm getting in the back window, so it doesn't really matter to me what the person who opens the door says.
What would happen if I woke up tomorrow and my only responsibility was to be Mom?
There are days that I cry myself to sleep because I don't know how I can carry the load any longer.
It's not a fear of failure. Maybe it's a fear of the well running dry.
People may not remember what you say, but they will always remember the way you made them feel.
I decided I wanted to leave people feeling better than before they came to me.
Making people feel bad didn't make me feel any better. But making people feel good made me feel outstanding!
Cawfeetawk is a takeaway. You take something away from it so you feel better about yourself.
We allow our emotions to be controlled by outside influences that truly have nothing to do with us!
You have to stop chasing what was, start living in what is, and accept responsibility!
The changes I made in my life were because I was profoundly unhappy with who I was.
Once you eliminate the outside pain, you start working on the inside pain.
If you can't make someone's day better, just don't make it worse.
There is nothing scarier than presenting your most authentic self to the world and knowing that there is no place to hide.

Mentioned in this show:

Jaime Primak Sullivan

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jaimeprimak
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaimeprimaksullivan
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheJerseyBelle
Bravo TV: http://www.bravotv.com/people/jaime-primak-sullivan

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