In this episode, I have an amazingly honest, energetic conversation with Dr. Steve Maraboli. Steve talks with me about his personal journey to discover his calling. He has dedicated his life to helping people break out of victim thinking and to craft an "agreement with reality" that moves you forward to a positive future. There is so much actionable wisdom in this episode! Do not miss it.

Quotes from the show:
Your agreement with reality defines your life.
It's so easy to confuse your circumstance with your value. You are your value, not your circumstance!
There is neither sunrise or sunset. It's all perspective. Because what I am calling the "sunset," at the same exact time, for the very same sun, someone else on the other side of the world is calling "sunrise." And we are both right. And we are both wrong. Because it is perspective that makes the difference.
The question isn't "where are you?" The question is "how are you viewing where you are?" The question is "what is the message in the mess?"
When you embrace reality and take accountability and strength in what you do control, instead of craving control over things you simply don't, you can empower yourself and move your life in the right direction.
You are leaving an impact on this world no matter what. It's up to you to decide whether it's a positive or negative one.
Let go of yesterday because it already let go of you. It's gone!
For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. - William Shakespeare (Hamlet)
Say to yourself: "I am better than the life I have settled for!"
Mentioned in this show:

Dr. Steve Maraboli -
Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Amy Purdy - Living Beyond Limits
Run For Fun Cruise

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