In this episode of the Life Is A Marathon show, I talk about how every thought, word, decision, action, is a form of training. You are constantly conditioning your mind and body to do the very same thing. Set the intention of training for success instead of mediocrity or failure.
Quotes from the show:
No matter what you do, you are always training for something!
What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family! - Mother Teresa
Show outline:

I learned so much about life and mindset by training for a marathon

You CAN Go the Distance!
You CAN change your life by changing your thoughts

Blog post in Aug. 2014 - You are always training for something!
You are always training your brain, which trains your body, which creates habits, which directs your life!

Running/Workout example

Skip a run/workout because it's raining or you just don't feel like it


Know you should study, but put it off until later

You DO NOT work best under pressure - That's a lie

It's more fun to text or Facetime than to unplug and concentrate


Not asking someone out because of fear of rejection
Putting off that difficult conversation

Choosingto be sarcastic

It's not cute, it's not funny, it's not helping your relationships

It's all about intention and attitude

Your intention, attitude, outlook determine how you show up in the world
Look for the good everywhere

Live like an explorer, always looking for new lands and hidden treasure

You need to START and build momentum/inertia

A rocket consumes 80% of it's fuel in the first few seconds just to get off the ground
An airplane burns fuel and the pilot makes massive adjustments to get the plane up and pointed in the right direction. In flight there are constant, but minor, course corrections due to wind or to avoid storms

Everyone on the plane feels the takeoff and the initial direction changes
Once in-flight, the adjustments are barely felt at all

You CAN Do it

Train to change
Train to win
Celebrate and recalibrate along the way
Invest in yourself - you are your greatest asset

Surround yourself with positive, encouraging people
Put educational/motivation information in your ears and eyes
Invest a coach, or at least, personal development programs

Mentioned in this show:

Bruce Van Horn - You are always training for something!
Bruce Van Horn - You CAN Go the Distance!
Meme mentioned in show: Live every day as an Explorer seeking uncharted lands and looking for hidden treasure in unlikely places. #Mindset
Run For Fun Cruise

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