In Episode #2 of the Life Is A Marathon show, I discuss the metaphor of being at the starting line of something new--it could be a race, a life change, starting a new business, taking classes to improve yourself--whatever it is, starting lines are exciting, but scary places. I talk about some of the reasons many people never approach the starting lines in their lives and I give you some ways to move passed those self-imposed road-blocks.
The primary reason for underachievement is that people don't decide to be successful. - Brian Tracy
Do one thing every day that scares you. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Show outline:

 The Starting Line

No matter how old you are or what you've experienced, your life is just beginning
People don't become successful because they don't decide to be - Brian Tracy
The hardest part of starting something is deciding to do it and taking the first step
If you want to achieve what you've never achieved before, you need to do things you've never done before.

You have more time in your day than you think you do

How much time do you waste watching TV, surfing the net or social media?
Brian Tracy's E-to-E ratio says: Unsuccessful people spend most of their free time on entertainment, while successful people spend most of their free time on education
Work 8 hours, sleep 8 hours, still leaves another 8
Fastest climb of Mt. Everest: Pem Dorjee (2004) 8:10 - leaving 15:50 left to enjoy the view
Devoting even 30 minutes, or 1 hour per day to personal development can change your life!

I know you're scared, do it scared

Eleanor Roosevelt said you must do at least one thing a day that scares you
Most fear is a fear of criticism, not failure - Napoleon Hill
family and friends can be discouragers instead of encouragers

Limiting beliefs are usually introduced by family and peer group
bucket of crabs syndrome

Surround yourself with people who are supportive
Spend some time every single day listening to motivational content

Know that you are going to make mistakes, have failures

Let yourself off the hook right up front
Mistakes and failures are all part of learning
If you know this going into it, they won't be as upsetting to you and you can move on

I'm nervous and know I'm going to make mistakes with this podcast
I know I'll get better and build confidence with each episode I record

Ready, fire, aim, fire again

Love your life NOW

Love, appreciate, and express gratitude for everything in your life right now
Don't say "when I am, or when I have.. my life will be better"

That is operating from lack, rather than abundance
You are spending negative energy thinking about what you don't have

You have everything you NEED right now!
Your life will not BE great until you believe that your life IS great!
Keep a victory log and success journal
Look for those $.11 moments, the small victories

Testimonial from Adam Crawford

Mentioned in this show:

Brian Tracy -
Napoleon Hill - Think And Grow Rich
Javier Sotomayor - World Record High Jump - YouTube Video - Discover your potential. Push yourself to the point of failure!
Run For Fun Cruise -
Adam Chandler Crawford -
Adam Crawford's Facebook Message to Bruce Van Horn

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