Happy New Year!

The first half of this season of Life in HD is devoted to change.  It's not always easy.  We live our lives conditioned to do the same things over and over because we are creatures of habit.  After all, familiarity brings comfort.  And yet change, if we are open to it, can bring about some very positive consequences.

This episode is devoted to getting rid of clutter.  This isn't about organizing your closet or freeing up counter space.  It's about getting your mind prepared to let it all go. The physical and emotional baggage that weighs us down.  Understanding why we collect and hold on to stuff and how to get our souls in a place where we can let go of it.  This curated conversation is with Courtney Carver, author of Soulful Simplicity: How Living With Less Can Lead to so Much More.  Courtney has an amazing story to tell and she shares it with us today.  It's about freeing up the clutter from the inside out.

For more information about Courtney Carver, visit her blog at www.BeMoreWithLess.com

The music featured in this episode is "Wireless" by Lee Rosevere under creative commons attribution license.

For links and more information on this episode, hit me up at www.joeblee.com