You've been ordered to shelter in place. But for how long? Days? Weeks? Months? Welcome to Life in HD, the personal development podcast that shines a spotlight on how we live our lives. I'm Joe Lee.


So you've followed the herd, bum-rushed the grocery story, gobbled up all the toilet paper, food and snacks that you could get your hands on in preparation for the long haul. My guess is, you didn't have time to thoughtfully plan out your meals, right? Not that the other shoppers in the store left you many options.

The memes and jokes all over social media show American's concerns with being sedentary for the immediate future, over-eating and mindless munching to help pass the time of day. So we're offering some tips on how to survive the COVID19 shelter in place dilemma and come out on the other side healthy, happy, and ready to resume your normal life when things finally get back to normal.

On this episode, it's all about making food choices that are good for you.

My guest today is Sophie Egan, the Director of Health and Sustainability Leadership for the Strategic Initiatives Group at the Culinary Institute of America... And author of the book How to be a Conscious Eater: Making Food Choices That Are Good for You, Others, and the Planet.