Daniel Tolson is regarded as Asia’s #1 business coach specializing in Emotional Intelligence and a former Australian Champion Athlete. Daniel will show us how  to become successful by providing scientific and evidence-based methods on how to catapult your influence, accelerate your impact and unleash new income levels.


Daniel Tolson shared in this episode:

His experience living  in Taiwan since 2012, after being inspired by the 4 hour work week

What he learnt starting a Wake boarding business in Dubai

How law of attraction took him from two dollars to “my belonging place”

How he co-lead 17,000 cabin crew, and met his partner/wife usin these principles

How he became Australian Champion and what you can learn from this

How do develop a motivation towards winning

How to get through setbacks, and be persistent

How he realised that all his perceived weaknesses were his strengths

How in 1 year he acquired 1,300 coaching clients 

How in 6 months his sales went up $240k

Has completed 10,000 of these scientific reports which identify natural behaviours - can show people their preferred way to deal with people by leveraging their own strengths.

The 3 types of motivation and how to leverage these for success.

How you make decisions (these are hard wired, and it doesn’t change over time) - if you know this you can hire the right people for a job.  The ROI can skyrocket for a business.

How he can use AI to understand brain wave frequency, behaviours, core emotions and personally styles… in less than 90 seconds with no BIAS.  And also discover hidden memories in the brain, as far back as the final trimester in the mothers womb.  

His Life Changing Question: Universal maxim: What would this world be if everyone in the world was just like me?

And much more..

Resources Mentioned In The Show:





Tim Ferris - The 4 Hour Work Week


If you would like more insights on profit maximization for your business, visit www.ProfitHive.com.au