This week we wrap up our incredible interview with Dustin Underwood, who served multiple jail terms before finding his path -- only to lose his way again. 

If episode one left you looking for a happy ending, then settle in for an heart-warming conclusion to his story. 

Wrapping up episode 1, Dustin was getting ready to leave Team Challenge with nothing but a garbage bag of clothes and a girlfriend 8 months pregnant. 

Now he had two goals: Find a place to live and find a job. 

In Part 2 life begins to open up opportunities and a brighter future, but not before more curveballs.

Curveballs that includes a simple mix up in paperwork that almost landed him in jail and a bad drug test that almost eliminated his job.

Meanwhile, Dustin was still searching for purpose. 

A purpose that was finally discovered through a fundraiser after the loss of a friend that raised thousands of dollars for his family. 

That moment opened his eyes and his heart. 

He wanted nothing more but to give back. A journey he's still on today through a fishing group that helps kids and families in need. 

Part 1 told the story of struggle. Part 2 is the conclusion that you hope would happen. 

Magical Quotes

"Who would ever thought I went from crackhead to killing it? Like I'm just killing it."

"You can always get more money, but you can never get more time."

"You don't have to be rich to do something for someone. Your voice can move mountains."