Ep. 39: Urgent v. Important?This episode starts with an Addendum to Episode 38, abou Decluttering. (“Addendum” is a Latin word, which is a fancy way to say “this is some stuff I forgot to tell you last time but I want to tell you now.”) In addition to PHYSICAL clutter (papers, piles, stuff), ELECTRONIC clutter (old emails, too many apps, etc.), and MENTAL clutter (bad attitudes, envy, anger, etc.) there is also SCHEDULE clutter. This comes from taking on too much and thus having too much to do. It is an easy trap to fall into. We will discuss some ways to declutter your schedule clutter, using what speaker Chuck Swindoll calls “pencil surgery.” This issue also relates to Episode 8, “Create Margin.”Many people think that “urgent” and “important” are the same: big items that require your attention right now. But that is now true. There is a HUGE difference between the two, which we will discuss. Plus, by being able to tell the difference, you may see your effectiveness go WAY up. Stay tuned for Episode 41, where we will discuss the difference between “urgent” and “important” further, and put it into the useful “4 Quadrants of Time.”Word of the Day: urgent: (adj) a situation requiring immediate attention or actionQuestion of the Day: Why do people often delay dealing with situations when they have plenty of time to do so, and instead wait till the last minute when it is urgent?Have a question or feedback? Maybe a topic you’d like to hear in a future episode? Please email Scott at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you! If you enjoy our podcasts, please subscribe, write a review, and share them on social media and by word of mouth! Those are GREAT ways to help more people find our podcasts. Please also visit us at www.DreyerCoaching.com; check out the blog posts at the bottom of the page for more information about life in the USA and the crazy English language.