From early childhood, Siobhan remembers sneaking cookies before anyone else woke up in the morning. Even as a toddler, she was never able to eat sugar in moderation.
Once she hit puberty, this addiction caused her to gain weight and so she started dieting, which led to a diet/binge cycle that lasted decades.

After college, Siobhan struggled more and more with weight control and grew increasingly more frustrated around food. 

She tried every diet, workout method, therapist, alternative modality and vitamin/supplement regimen known... but NOTHING worked.

It was when Siobhan found out about about food addiction that she finally decided to abstain from all sugar and all flour to really overcome her addiction.

Although she was terrified at the idea, she committed to doing it for one year, beginning in January of 2018. 

In Part 1 of our chat together, listen to how Siobhan reached that initial goal,  and why she has continued to commit to living a sugar-free, flour-free lifestyle for life. 

Find Siobhan here and her podcast Unsweetened Sio here.

To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can  get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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