In this episode we welcome special guest Ryan December.  Ryan is a Wall Street Journal reporter based in New York and writes about financial markets, investing in energy, infrastructure and real estate and other Wall Street topics.  His book "Underwater" shows how decisions in New York and Washington played out on his street in a booming corner of the Sunbelt that was convulsed by the crash.  Instead of watching the U.S. housing market collapse from trading floors in Manhattan as in previous accounts, readers will witness the mortgage meltdown from his perch as a newspaper reporter, first in the boom-to-bust South and later in New York, among the financiers who are gobbling up suburban homes and profiting in the aftermath.

Buy Ryan's book "Underwater" on Amazon:

Special thanks to the Philip Stein Company for supporting the show.

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The show is intended to provide encouragement for the listener but is for entertainment purposes only and NOT a substitute for proper treatment or to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever. Please seek help from a qualified mental health provider.


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