🙃 It is natural to try to launch on your own and save as much money as possible. 0:51

📲 Download the Expert Pricing Calculator 1:14

🏬 Experiences with Score mentors. 2:36

📋 Thinking about an article from the Small Business Administration called "10 Steps on How to Launch Your Business". 

☝️ #1 Market research is the number one most important thing but how to actually do it?

🤷‍♀️ #2  Write a business plan and what that actually means? 6:10.

✏️ #3 List of typical places: All you need to have but those are not going to get you clients. 6:51

🧠 What one site for startups is recommending new entrepreneurs? 7:23

💨 Burned out on Google with 7 billion results on not ‘How’ but ‘What’. 8:42

🔥 I don’t need a list of 54 strategies on how to grow my business, I need one! 9:59

⚡ Deb explains how an expert calculator works. 10:19

🤩 How to get yourself out of your misery. 11:49

🫂 Complete the Launch Lab assessment and qualify for a 1 to 1 conversation with Deb. 13:38


