Do you know when you are the most energetic? Do you know what your innate rhythm is? It's crucial to understand your internal energy flow that influences originality, judgment, and productivity.  Deb Boulanger talks with Megan Camille, a psychic and intuitive business consultant. Together, they discuss the importance of intuition in business and entrepreneurship. Megan shares her own experience of building two seven-figure and multiple six-figure businesses relying solely on her intuition and inner guidance.  Yes, taking risks and being entrepreneurial are difficult paths to success, but they are unquestionably some of the most gratifying. Despite beginning without a college degree, Megan Camille's career demonstrates that following your instincts and taking chances may result in significant success in entrepreneurship. If you ever feel the urge to launch your own company, go for it. Take chances, pay attention to your intuition, and don't be hesitant to invest in your dreams. You can achieve success by taking calculated risks, learning to trust your instincts and EMBRACE YOUR INNER REBEL.


[00:01 08:19] Intuition vs. Psychic Abilities  

Everyone has intuition, but it needs to be honed like a muscle

Intuition can provide accurate predictions, but not the in-between journey 

Most people don't follow their intuition due to reliance on logic and statistics over intuition

Combination of intuition and business knowledge for successful entrepreneurship


[08:20 -16:28]  Discovering Your Natural Rhythm  

Logging daily activities and moments of inspiration, creativity, and fatigue can help identify one's natural rhythm                      

Intuitive hits can lead to magic and ease in decision-making.

Following social media feeds and constantly comparing oneself to others can hinder listening to internal guidance 

Discovering one's natural rhythm can lead to greater potency and less obligation or sacrifice in work 


[16:29 - 24:25]  Trusting Intuition for Business Success   

Trusting intuition is crucial in business

Exercising the muscle of trust can strengthen intuition 

Trusting intuition can lead to opportunities and success in business

Leaping from five figures to seven figures in revenue requires trusting intuition and leveraging automation


[24:26 - 34:02] The Importance of Investing in Your Business   

Investing in your business is key to success  

Embrace your rebel and do things differently 

Logic is important, but intuition should guide business decisions

One size does not fit all in marketing and business strategies

[34:03 - 35:40] Closing Segment 

Connect with Megan through the links below 

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Final words

Connect with Megan Camille

Website: Megan Camille | Megan Camille Enterprises

Facebook: Megan Camille | Facebook

Instagram:  @themegancamille

LInkedIn:  Megan Camille | LinkedIn


Here are some another episodes you might enjoy as well:

For all episodes, go to:  Podcast - Life After Corporate Podcast

Ep 90. Are You Under Investing in Your Business?

Ep 77. How to Choose the Right Business Coach


Tweetable Quotes:

"I actually recommend for my clients to stop following people in their same niche and really focus on what's coming for them as opposed to what someone else is doing."...Megan Camille, on finding your Natural Rhythm

"Knowing the different aspects or parts of yourself, like the inner child, the inner critic, the golden child, the shadow, all of these aspects have their own interpretation of what's going on. And so we want to be making our decisions from intuition, which is our true self, even if that alerts the inner critic." Megan Camille, on the Importance of Nervous System Regulation


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