Kimberlee Bush is a registered dietician, certified Leap therapist, has 20 years experience in her field and a lifetime of experience with eating. Kimberlee is a mother of four, and has been married for nearly 20 years. She is passionate about the balance, science and freedom we should have with our food. Kimberlee has developed a signature program called Focus Forty. In this program, she and her clients are focusing on rebuilding their health and regaining their youthful bodies.



Kimberlee talks about a moment in the tenth grade when she decided to pursue nutrition, and an instance later in life that reaffirmed her choice.

Alison gets Kimberlee to elaborate on Auto-Immune Disease.

Kimberlee talks about illness, and how people can make subtle changes that make significant differences.

She also discusses stress, and it's effects on the body, as well as the benefits of relaxed focus around food and dietary changes.

Kimberlee talks about changes the body goes through after forty.



"It's really looking at your own individual lifestyle and what's the one, two, three, four things you can do that will make a difference?"

"I don't have to do everything, but I can do something consistently"

"Stress creates multiple negative things that happen to our body"

