Stoner Libra the first summer month will bring a warm cosmic breeze to the sphere of love. With the sacred herb as your internal guide, all stoner Libras will bask under these warm cosmic rays. As you know better than any star sign, the world is in a constant flux of the karmic balancing of … Continue reading Libra Stoner Horoscope June 2019 →

Stoner Libra the first summer month will bring a warm cosmic breeze to the sphere of love. With the sacred herb as your internal guide, all stoner Libras will bask under these warm cosmic rays.

As you know better than any star sign, the world is in a constant flux of the karmic balancing of universal scales. These cosmic winds and currents are beyond our understanding, and difficult to manipulate. However, there are times when the planets align, that we may tip the scales in our own favor. The first summer month may be this opportunity for the stoner Libra.

Work issues will be solved easily as the machinations of the workplace melt away into cosmic background noise. Show up on time, make the necessary decisions, lead your team, and everything will work out at work. This may be more challenging than it would appear as your third eye gaze will be tuned into the personal sphere. So diligence, mindfulness, and attention will be required in the workplace. Puff puff pass on the corporate dash. Utilize the patience of the sacred herb to avoid hurried decisions. Allow a natural culmination of events and flow of information during corporate travels; so as they will not impact the beauty of the personal sphere.

Early in the month toke time with the sacred herb. A deep and rich Indica strain should do nicely. This solo medicated meditative smoke session will be an exploration into yourself. True internal ‘want’ and ‘desire’ will be the subject of this sacred herbal probe. Whether you are a single stoner Libra, or in a partnership, this task could make all the difference for the June time period.

Turning the third eye gaze inward, to contemplate and discover what personal end you truly desire, will be a liberating smoke session. With this newfound confidence in self and direction, get out among your fellow terrestrial astronauts. Do not stop to count all the smoke circles you encounter, just be sure to join them all!