This month, the stoner Libra will have a series of events where they must decide on when to hold ‘em and when to smoke ‘em. In some cases the line between the two may become a little hazy. Summer is officially at full burn, and this period shows no signs of cooling down. While spring … Continue reading Libra Stoner Horoscope July 2019 →

This month, the stoner Libra will have a series of events where they must decide on when to hold ‘em and when to smoke ‘em. In some cases the line between the two may become a little hazy. Summer is officially at full burn, and this period shows no signs of cooling down. While spring is the season of growth, summer is the time when ideas and actions will fully ripen.

July will be the month where seeds planted long ago come to fruition. You may find a trusted smoke buddy grows into the roll of full fledged partner-in-chronic. Not necessarily romantically. A passion project or half baked idea formed in a smoke filled setting, may form into a solid, executable plan of action with a purpose. This is when it will be crucial to know when to separate the ganja and the grind: Even though the seeds for success might have been planted while meditating with the sacred herb, it will take a clear minded determination to manifest the dream into reality.

Stoner Libra It is likely the personal sphere and the business sphere will blend at times in the second summer month. With meditation and marijuana moments you will enhance the sight of your third eye. As the month progresses, this clarity of vision will aid in decision making regarding difficult obstacles impeding progress. When you still feel unsure of how to proceed, consult your canna-family when additional advice is needed. Remember, a friend with weed is a friend indeed. Share a bowl, share a laugh, and talk through all the seemingly stoney ideas until they finally make sense.

Don’t let the smoke clouds of problem solving obscure opportunities. It’s summer! For the stoner Libra anything can happen at any given moment with the proper mindset. The days are long and the possibilities are endless. Adventure and opportunity will only be limited by your ability to imagine. There are countless smoke spots with picturesque scenes just waiting to be captured by you and your canna crew. There will be plenty of time to sit on the couch once the heat fades, but right now your mission is to pack the piece, make sure your stash is stocked, and to savor every smoky moment of the season.