Next Episode: Populism After Trump

Reason Editor-at-Large Nick Gillespie offers a Retrospective on Trump’s
Checkered Legacy


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the last days of his term, we might label Wednesday’s botched rally and final electoral college vote as “checkmate” for the lame duck.

Is this how the Trump presidency ends? With both a whimper and a bang?

Perhaps this is the time to leave the echo chambers of mainstream and social media to reflect on not just the last year, but the last four. Joining me this Sunday is Reason Magazine’s editor-at-large, Nick Gillespie. Nick will help guide my retrospective. 


We will also contextualize the rather stunning events of this week at the Capitol. 

How will this bizarre period be remembered, and who will write the story? Listen or read the transcript, as Nick and I dictate history’s first draft aloud, on the show of ideas.

Question for those old enough to remember 1968: How does the past year of politically motivated violence compare to back then?

— Nick Gillespie (@nickgillespie) January 7, 2021

Essential Liberty: Finding Freedom in a Post-COVID World

By Zadek, Bob

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Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."Sign up for the weekly liberty digest for a chance to win a paperback copy of Bob’s latest book, Essential Liberty, and get a PDF of the first three chapters of Bob’s new book.



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PODCAST: The Reason Interview With Nick Gillespie –

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